Metastatic Prostate Cancer Prognosis

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 29 September 2011

Prostate cancer is common among American men. In 2004, nearly 300,000 American men diagnosed with prostate cancer and among those, about 30,000 died. If nothing else, these statistics show that prostate cancer, most patients do not really have a good prognosis.

As with other cancers, early detection plays an important role in the outcome of treatment is administered, prognosis and life expectancy of patients. That is why it is recommended that you screened annually with your doctor. Catching cancer early will be a much better prognosis.

Metastatic cancer
Metastatic breast cancer that has spread from the initial areas to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. This happens because cancer cells had broken away from the masses, which was initially located and relocated to another part of the body where it continues to grow.
Metastatic cancer is actually a later stage of cancer. Cancer that is not detected until, later stages may be difficult to treat, a curability rate decreases, and the survival rate.

survival rate
Men who experience metastatic prostate cancer have less than 10% chance of surviving for five years after diagnosis is made. However, cancer is different in every patient and every patient is different from every other patient. Therefore, every person who has metastatic prostate cancer will not necessarily experience the same weather. Studies have shown that tumor site, among others, may affect prognosis and that some people who have metastatic prostate cancer have a 20% to 30% chance of survival after the first five years of diagnosis.

Treatment options are available for the late stage of cancer, however, it is harder to treat than the earlier stages where the cancer is localized. Even if cancer can be treated with radiation or chemotherapy, the chances of relapse are high. Repetition is usually when the experience of metastases. Patients who experience metastases are likely to get a poor prognosis. When cancer metastasizes, sometimes just too many cancer cells, and they end up impairs the body's metabolism, eventually resulting in death. At other times, the cancer can metastasize to vital body parts, such as the brain, and then lead to death.

surgical treatment options are usually thrown out the window when cancer has metastasized, but not in all cases. If cancerous cells are large in number, press the vital organs, or intertwine around delicate structures, surgery is not an option.

late stage cancer can be treated but the prognosis is not good. Metastatic prostate cancer is late stage cancer, a forecast of survival after the first five years after diagnosis is very low compared to other phases.

More aboutMetastatic Prostate Cancer Prognosis

Can Eating Fish Cause Prostate Cancer?

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 28 September 2011

It seems that there are many different risk factors for getting prostate cancer. Among some of the most popular are: genetic predisposition, as well as of African origin, eat red meat, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating dairy products have many different sexual partners. (If you are a Black male with lots of sexual partners would cut back on my dairy .)

Just when it seems like it's not much left that is tasty and fun, American Journal of Epidemiology has added another to the list. Men who eat fish are 2.5 times more likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer. However, the abandonment of the fish is not as hard as most other things about the above list, but we always thought fish was good for us. Is not it supposed to be a brain food or something?

Researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, has done studies of prostate cancer in 19,000 men aged 55 and above. After a few years ago they tested a subset of 3,000 of them and discovered that people who have developed an aggressive form of prostate cancer also had the highest levels of DHA (omega-3 fatty acids). It was horrible to them that it expects higher levels of omega-3 may even protect against cancer. If this did not prevent cancer, they certainly are not expected to cause rak.Ljudi with the highest levels of DHA have a much higher incidence of this disease. Not only do they have prostate cancer, but aggressive form njega.Vrsta that kills quickly. It is also interesting to note that very few respondents omega-3 supplements. Most of it comes from eating fish.

If you Google "Omega 3 fish prostate cancer," it's all over the web. Eating fish increases the risk of aggressive form of prostate cancer a significant iznos.Rezultati are in. The good news is that the fish still make an excellent fertilizer in your garden.

This is a good way to make a disclaimer. I am not a doctor. It's been so long since I got my degree in biology that I'm probably not a good scientist. I am a caveman. However, this is something that makes me suspicious. I know that cavemen ate fish. How suddenly learn that fish are bad for us just seems counter-intuitive, so I did a little digging.

This study did not start to get the omega-3 in sve.Omega 3, there are anecdotal. It was an experiment sponsored by major drug company that sells finasteride. Finasteride is a drug that is synthesized from progestrone (female hormone) which reduces enlarged prostates and encourages hair growth and aging balding muškaraca.Droga company sponsored this study in the hope that their drug can also prevent prostate cancer. How cool would that be? Pill so you do not have to get up to pee at night, preventing prostate cancer, and even grow hair back.

All the 19,000 people at the beginning of the study and all that at the end of 3000 were tested for prostate cancer is taking finasteride. As a caveman, here is what I would draw a conclusion from this research:. Most of them could not sleep all night without getting up to urinate, most of the hairier, the little fish eats developed aggressive prostate cancer

I think the only logical conclusion can be drawn from this study is that it's not a good idea for people to eat fish and finasterides.

Therefore, eating fish can give you an aggressive prostate cancer? Maybe. Maybe not. Because it is so difficult to check caveman prostate cancer in the fossil record, we need to do more research.

More aboutCan Eating Fish Cause Prostate Cancer?

Acute Low Back Pain - Red Flags - Relief Options & Back Supports

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 26 September 2011

How do I back to lately?

Do you have lower back pain that was causing the pain?

1) Introduction to this article

Acute low back pain is not a laughing obzira.Osobe who suffer from it experience pain and can cause a person to be restricted in their daily activities. Many people who experience back pain for the first time, just ignore it without seeking medical treatment. They just take the pain recurring. Our backs are important to support us, and we are many everyday, such as lifting heavy objects, maintain proper posture and much more. It is important that we take care of it.

2) Acute, subacute and chronic low back pain

lower back pain is considered as an acute pain when it went for less than six weeks, under acute if it continues for six to twelve weeks, and chronic if it lasted more than twelve weeks. Acute low back pain is one of the most common diseases in the world. In the United States alone, about $ 20 billion health care costs are incurred directly treat back pain, and climbs to $ 50 billion if you count all the indirect costs of treating diseases such as insurance.

the main culprit for acute low back pain is usually strained muscles, ligaments or diska.Ispupčen herniated intervertebral disc (which is a cushion between our vertebrae), is a very common reason for acute pain in lower back, because it can compress the spinal nerves.

3) red flags

Low back pain can upravljati.Sljedeće are the warning signs or so-called "red flags" that might encourage doctors to do more intensive evaluation and treatment.

red flag signals may include:

    pain is a consequence of severe injury, such as in a car accident. back pain never stops and only gets worse every day. The pain is focused on the upper spine. Patient has experienced back pain, even if his or her age is under twenty or over fifty five years. Despite treatment, the patient is still difficult to bend forward. The patient experiences a significant weight gain or loss relating to back pain. patients' general health is poor. The patient has cancer or had cancer. patient has the HIV, drug abuser, or on steroids. There are a number of problems in the nervous system. the patient's spine is a noticeable deformity.

4) Back braces and why they are important

A more efficient alternative for the treatment of acute discomfort in your lower back is to use a back brace or support. Many doctors approve back braces, and they see it as an effective support for you free of pain. People who have used back braces significantly reduced pain due to acute back strains, for example. Another benefit of the back of dentures is that they can help limit your movements so you do not move your body in such a way that would further hurt the back, which will worsen the situation. Back braces are also supporting your back in such a way that improves posture, so that the pain will return spustiti.Vrlo good back support should have a low profile feature, so it's hardly noticeable when worn under shirts or dresses.

* This is health information. We back supports have helped thousands of people, but you should talk to your doctor about medical advice for your situation.

More aboutAcute Low Back Pain - Red Flags - Relief Options & Back Supports

A Cancer Growth Is Only A Sign That Something Is Wrong With the Entire Body

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 25 September 2011

Doctors are taught that cancer of the chest, and if they can remove all of them successfully beat the disease. Unfortunately, this is not true. Cancer, no matter where it appears in the body is actually a problem with the whole body, and the growth itself is only simptom.Simptom is a sign that something is redu.Pravi medicine means treating the whole body.

If the cancer problem is only growing, and then remove it with our current methods of treatment that would solve the problem. But we all know someone who has undergone this treatment and was advised by their doctor, I successfully remove it all;. Often die soon after they tried to cure the disease

the fact is that every cancer growth by itself is not a problem, and far more effective way to treat people with diseases to treat people, not cancer.

Our 3 treatments for cancer are now in place because they are profitable. For example, chemotherapy is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and I've read many times that the cancer will never be cured or a cure will never be found because it is too much money being made with our current methods of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Cancer is a disease simply of impaired immune system is weakened because of the way now živimo.Imunološki system is part of our anatomy that everyone has, that keeps us healthy and free bolesti.Imunološki system is not working properly will allow normal body's cells to multiply out of control and the result is the growth of cancer cells. So, common sense should tell someone that the first priority is to strengthen our all-important immune system.

Of course, there is no cure or treatment for boosting the immune system and that is why doctors do not know about it. As a cancer patient needs is a natural living with a good diet and some exercise, but now we have been brainwashed into believing that the day of any health problem can be cured with a pill or treatment.

solve the problem of cancer means to correct the reasons why they first appeared and this change of diet and eat only food that is natural for man. What this means is to treat the whole body and will allow the body to heal. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix way to cure cancer, but there is no way for those who can make these changes.

If you are dealing with cancer right way to heal the body forever is to focus on correcting the reasons why the first grow and what to do to eat only food that is fresh and in season, getting some exercise that will stimulate and strengthen immune system, and live a more natural way that supports life.

Do not put a quick fix temporary treatment for their cancer. Need a permanent solution to your problem and that improving diet, some exercise and live as we should. It works for everyone.

More aboutA Cancer Growth Is Only A Sign That Something Is Wrong With the Entire Body

Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment: The Good and Bad Effects

Diposting oleh writer


prostate cancer radiation has three subtypes: External beam radiation therapy (EBRP), brachytherapy or seed therapy and radionuclide therapy. These three therapies have different effects on the body.

external-beam radiation therapy (EBRP) uses a beam of radiation from outside of the predicted location of the tumor in the prostate. It uses a high-radiation to reduce and eliminate those cancer cells. Because cancer cells are living cells, they were able to share other cancer cells. With the use of external beam radiation therapy, it will keep the cancer cells actually podjele.Tretman projects on the skin, which is why, skin problems is neizbježan.Području where he was exposed to radiation to produce swollen, hot and red skin surface. This reaction is normal, but it will last until the end of treatment. Erectile dysfunction is also a common side effect of this zračenja.Ostale side effects include urinary disorders such as presence of blood in the urine, and even urinary incontinence.

implantation of a radioactive substance called seed therapy or brachytherapy. This type of radiation is internal, meaning is embedded directly in the affected area prostate.Radioaktivna substance looks like rice grains with the help of ultrasound, it will be placed directly on it. It has been found effective in killing cancer cells, while maintaining those healthy cells that surround it. Since the therapy is internal, side effects will be limited to the urinary and reproductive system of males. In fact, they have the same effects with external radiation therapy, however, brachytherapy is more intense. Side effects may include a sense of urgency, keeping current can also be observed and the frequency of urination can lead to discomfort of the patient who underwent this type of therapy. Painful ejaculation can also occur, as it ought to erectile dysfunction.

radionuclide therapy includes medicinal drug for the treatment of cancer cells that have metastasized to the bone. Generalized symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and fatigue may be the patient feels. Too many doses of this drug can cause damage to the kidneys and liver, which is why, oncologists are very careful in computing the dose for the patient.

More aboutProstate Cancer Radiation Treatment: The Good and Bad Effects

Lung Cancer Cures - Is There One That Actually Works?

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 24 September 2011

The current lung cancer drugs

to cure lung cancer for all patients has not yet been developed. While survival rates for this disease are generally low, 'cures' are delivered to this small percentage through early detection and one of three common treatments. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are used alone or in combination with one another in order to remove or kill cancer cells in the body.


Surgical procedures are applied to the small population of patients, about one in Fri That said, surgery is used to remove a tumor or body tissue, and sometimes after a course of chemotherapy. Inoperable cases where the disease has spread to vital organs or other body structures, and is harder ukloniti.Ljudi who do not qualify for surgery, or need additional treatment to remove the cancer will undergo chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy.


Chemo drug is given orally or intravenously. It improves the life expectancy for killing cancer cells. Patients responding well to this treatment will get smaller classes Chemo and spend less time in bolnici.Dobro documented side effects of this protocol, including nausea and hair loss can be managed by physician-adjusted dosage and anti-emetic drugs.


two types of radiotherapy used in the fight against cancer pluća.Prvi a radical therapy that targets contained tumors with high doses zračenja.Drugi uses less radiation dose to relieve symptoms and improve the patient's lifestyle.

Palliative meant to extend the life of patients and more benefits. Radical therapy hopes to destroy the cancer while it is localized, and requires the patient to be in relatively good health. Evidence from the "Cochrane Database of systematic reviews; 2010 Number 9, suggests higher doses of palliative therapies are ineffective and lead to side effects of increased toxicity



experimental vaccines and medicines are available to victims of cancer. Clinical trials are conducted throughout the United States and internationally. Patients are encouraged to explore these options to increase their chances of survival. Future possibilities include the use of nano-technology, advanced labeling and detection of radiation therapy and diagnostic methods. Always thoroughly research a clinical trial and consult a physician before participating.

More aboutLung Cancer Cures - Is There One That Actually Works?

Prostate Cancer Signs and Symptoms - A Closer Look At Frequent and Painful Urination

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 22 September 2011

Do you know enough about a variety of cancers out there today? If not, then you should spend a little time to read up on them. If you are a male a familiar cancer is prostate cancer. Just like other diseases and cancers, there are many signs and symptoms of prostate cancers that should be worried s.

One of them is a frequent urge to urinate. This frequent urination usually occurs at night, when the patient would already be sleeping, and soon followed with blood in urine or spermi.Prethodni symptoms are evident at an early stage of the cancer. However, when the blood starts to show, the cancer has started to migrate into the bloodstream and lymphatic system

At this stage, the progression of the disease is often much faster and before long the metastatic cancer cells invade the bone of the patient. Often this is when the complaints are pain in lower back, pelvic, and upper thighs and sometimes tend to get in;. Show that prostate cancer cells, spread to the ribs, pelvis and other bones

This is possible in certain exceptional cases, such symptoms of prostate cancer is the fact that as a result of other infections, prostate enlargement, benign prostatic hypertrophy, or, but it is often the case. In any case, the patient should care enough about yourself to hurry in for diagnosis at this point, and in the clinic, the experts can certainly confirm or alleviate your fears. Although prostate enlargement is a natural result of aging, it is much more pronounced when the patient is suffering from cancer, and it should not be taken for granted.

In the early stages of prostate cancer is often diagnosed by the workups for elevated PSA noticed during a routine examination, but late stage disease is characterized by metastasis, which makes it relatively easier to identify the spread of sarcoma.

This is the common and frequent urination at night, difficulty starting and maintaining a steady stream of urine, blood in urine, and painful urination, the later stages of the disease characterized by urinary dysfunction problems with sexual function and performance, such as difficulty achieving an erection or painful ejaculation, and a lot of bone pain, often in the vertebrae. Metastatic disease of the spine often results in compression of the spinal cord also, which resulted in leg weakness and incontinence.

More aboutProstate Cancer Signs and Symptoms - A Closer Look At Frequent and Painful Urination

Proven and Effective Natural Cures For Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 21 September 2011

Anyone who tries to learn about alternative and natural medicine finds it very teško.Podaci scattered all over and find out what really works and what does not, it is very difficult. Of course the pharmaceutical industry is not interested in any natural cures because they will lose a lot of money. But anyway in this article I will talk more about a natural cancer cure that I found in "natural cancer treatments that work" e-book.

Dr. Johanna Budwig [flaxseed oil and cottage cheese (Foca) program

Dr. Budwig, six times nominated for the Nobel Prize, discovered after 30 years of research that the blood of seriously ill patients is still not enough of certain important and essential components such as lipoproteins and phosphatides.Krvi of a normal healthy person has sufficient levels of these essential ingredients. Cancer cells literally grow wild without these ingredients.

greenish-yellow substance found in the blood analysis of patients with cancer in healthy red oxygen carrying hemoglobin that is supposed to be there. Because cancer patients often become anemic and weak. It is learned that this is a greenish-yellow substance are replaced with healthy red blood cells and tumors gradually receded, when the natural ingredients were replaced during the three months otprilike.Simptomi cancer, diabetes and liver dysfunction were alleviated.

If the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese to eat together, then those essential ingredients their bodies have been replaced. but to be eaten together. In 1950-e Dr.Johanna Budwig began a long study on the importance of essential fatty acids in the diet. Of course, the German manufacturer of nutritional fats were not satisfied with his research and he tried to prevent publication of its findings. Dr. Budwing said that to extend the shelf life of th their products, manufacturers use chemical processes that make their food products harmful to the body.

chemical processing of fats destroys the vital electron cloud in masti.Masti can no longer bind with oxygen after the electrons are gone and they become a harmful substance deposited within the body. Chemically processed fats end up damaging heart action, blocking traffic, to prevent cell renewal and impede the free flow of blood and lymph fluid. If you want to learn more about this treatment and many others from click on the link in the resource box.

More aboutProven and Effective Natural Cures For Cancer

MGN-3 - Natural Breast Cancer Cure

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 19 September 2011

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There is no doubt that the profit earned by the companies and people who are in the cancer industry is huge. Ordinary people would not want to believe that companies are so greedy that they do not care what happens to people who have cancer, and knowing that there are natural cancer cures and treatments.

natural breast cancer cure - MGN-3

conventional treatments for cancer are very expensive and dangerous. It is not possible that there has been no progress in the fight against cancer in recent decades. That is why so many people are interested in natural medicines and alternative treatments. Breast cancer is one of the most common type of cancer and treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are brutal. But there are other treatments that are not so well known, such as MGN-3 treatment. MGN-3 is one of the most effective natural breast cancer cure. What exactly is it?

MGN-3 is the overall immune system booster and stimulant, is particularly effective in enhancing natural killer cells. These Natural Killer (NK​​) cells are the first line in the fight against cancer, bacterial infections and viral infections. It is also shown that MGN-3 increases the activity level of T-cells and B cells, increases the production of many cytokines, interferon-gamma such as interleukin-2, tumor necrotic factor alpha (TNFA) and interleukin-12.

Principal Investigator and researcher MGN-3 Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum who research immunologist. Dr. Ghoneum is an expert in cancer immune therapy (CIT). CIT is an area of ​​therapy that uses biological response modifiers to increase the activity of natural cell Kill. Dr. Ghoneum studied biological response modifiers of natural compounds and synthetic BRM's. However, there have been many delays, mainly due to the high toxicity of BRM's.

Fortunately Dr. Ghoneum discovered BRM, which stimulates the immune system and has very low toxicity level, which is, of course, MGN-3. However, it should be used as a natural cure breast cancer? Is there evidence?

These are good questions, etc. Ghoneum has published several studies in the scientific and medical journals to support his research. His research interests include data from the test tube and animal data, as well as patients and 72 people. One of his early study was done in 1995, there were 32 cancer patients at different stages of cancer and who received traditional treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery.

natural kill cells were low in all of these patients (10.8% -49%), oral ingestion of MGN-3 and lead to an increased cell kill in just a few weeks. It is in the range of 100% -537% in multiple myeloma patients, 100% -240% in leukemia patients, 174% -385% in prostate cancer patients and 145% -332% in patients with breast cancer. The most important increase in natural kill cells, held for five years after completing therapy.

This was just one example of many other options. It is important to at least educate people about these treatments, cures and remedies. It's even better if people can find a doctor who takes this seriously and is willing to go against the "norm ."

More aboutMGN-3 - Natural Breast Cancer Cure

Early Signs of Cervical Cancer - Medical Science Article

Diposting oleh writer

cervix is ​​part of the female reproductive system. It is a narrow base of the uterus that connects the uterus with the vagina. During operation expands and passes from the uterus, the fetus into the vagina.

Early Signs of Cervical Cancer:

the development of signs of cervical cancer occurs very gradually over a period of several godina.Stanicama cervix changes from normal to abnormal during this course. This change is abnormal is the first sign of cervical maternice.Abnormalnosti cells on the surface of the cervix can be of different types, which include:

dysplasia This is a term used in pathology for related abnormalities in the maturation of cells in the tissue. Usually this is an increase in immature cells and the corresponding decrease in the number and location of mature cells. In cervical cancer it occurs only in the mucosal surface, but does not invade through the basement membrane and deeper tissues. So it is called "Epithelial dysplasia'.

squamous intraepithelial lesions cervix is ​​composed of squamous epithelial cells. Sometimes these cells are highly atypical under the microscope. This condition is called squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL). This may be a low-grade SIL, where abnormal cells is less and the cells appear almost normal or it may be high-grade SIL, where abnormal cells is very mature. This symbol indicates a high risk of cervical cancer, sometimes called "carcinoma in situ '

before the change of cervical cancer usually produces no symptoms and thus remain undetected unless a Pap test is performed with a pelvic exam.

PAP test: Pap tests are the best screening techniques for the assessment of cells in the cervix. These test results that can be categorized into 5 classes, indicating the presence of cancerous and precancerous cells on the cervix.

Class I: It shows that the cells are normal and the extent of cervical cancer in the present.
Class II This indicates the presence of inflammation and irritation of the cervical cells.
Class III This shows that the true cervical epithelial dysplasia is present, which can vary from mild to severe.
class IV: This suggests that cervical cancer is very possible because it reflects the presence of carcinoma in situ.
Class V:. Invasive door signs are present in this class found

class II and class III results also suggest taking a second opinion before blindly rushing to surgical methods. Since the cause of cervical dysplasia may be more common as a viral infection of HPV (Human papilloma virus), unwanted sex, spermicide progesterone deficiency, estrogen dominance, oral contraceptives, condoms or tampons.

Normal early cervical cancer does not produce any signs. So, in many cases it remains undiagnosed. This factor leads to improved cancer showed vaginal bleeding after intercourse, pelvic pain, bleeding between periods that can be harmful and ultimately fatal and dangerous. Because women are advised to undergo regular check-ups begin at least signs first appear.

Thus, knowledge of signs of cervical cancer and regular Pap tests are needed to identify at an early stage to prevent its progress a dangerous degree.

More aboutEarly Signs of Cervical Cancer - Medical Science Article

Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment: The Good and Bad Effects

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 15 September 2011

Statistically speaking, most people who reach the age of 50 years and over, suffer from this disorder can be debilitating disease that affected people or the worst thing that can lead to death. This disease is called cancer prostate.Primarni cause of prostate cancer is unknown. As a matter of fact, most cancers of unknown causes. Prostate cancer occurs only in males, due to the fact that only men have prostate. Radiation was found effective in eliminating cancer cells in the prostate. Since that use radiation, it can cause several effects in the body. This can include both good and bad effects.

prostate cancer radiation has three subtypes: External beam radiation therapy (EBRP), brachytherapy or seed therapy and radionuclide therapy. These three therapies have different effects on the body.

external-beam radiation therapy (EBRP) uses a beam of radiation from outside of the predicted location of the tumor in the prostate. It uses a high-radiation to reduce and eliminate those cancer cells. Because cancer cells are living cells, they were able to share other cancer cells. With the use of external beam radiation therapy, it will keep the cancer cells actually podjele.Tretman projects on the skin, which is why, skin problems is neizbježan.Području where he was exposed to radiation to produce swollen, hot and red skin surface. This reaction is normal, but it will last until the end of treatment. Erectile dysfunction is also a common side effect of this zračenja.Ostale side effects include urinary disorders such as presence of blood in the urine, and even urinary incontinence.

implantation of a radioactive substance called seed therapy or brachytherapy. This type of radiation is internal, meaning is embedded directly in the affected area prostate.Radioaktivna substance looks like rice grains with the help of ultrasound, it will be placed directly on it. It has been found effective in killing cancer cells, while maintaining those healthy cells that surround it. Since the therapy is internal, side effects will be limited to the urinary and reproductive system of males. In fact, they have the same effects with external radiation therapy, however, brachytherapy is more intense. Side effects may include a sense of urgency, keeping current can also be observed and the frequency of urination can lead to discomfort of the patient who underwent this type of therapy. Painful ejaculation can also occur, as it ought to erectile dysfunction.

radionuclide therapy includes medicinal drug for the treatment of cancer cells that have metastasized to the bone. Generalized symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and fatigue may be the patient feels. Too many doses of this drug can cause damage to the kidneys and liver, which is why, oncologists are very careful in computing the dose for the patient.

More aboutProstate Cancer Radiation Treatment: The Good and Bad Effects

Natural Cancer Cures Process

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 14 September 2011

Many people each year are diagnosed with cancer, and left trying to decide a variety of treatments that could withstand want to help cure the cancer. This can be an extremely difficult decision, especially when given a list of the different effects that the treatment might cause. This leaves many wondering if they are even willing to endure the side effects. These side effects can make patients very sick and can leave them feeling as if they are worse with treatment, then no.

cancer pain May seem to be the second seat in comparison to what treatments for cancer on them. These treatments are known to not only damage and destroy the cancer, but they are also breaking the body is slowly killing the patient in their own way. That is why many are looking for natural treatments. Natural alternatives that do not include man-made chemicals that can help them in getting rid of cancer. Either way it goes is still a mental battle, but natural remedies can be done in the treatment of cancer much more pleasant.

natural cancer cures process

There are many areas in the body that should be treated in a natural cancer cures process.

Colon - dysfunctional colon is the main fuel to the fire of all illness and disease, including cancer

Body Parasite - a common misconception is that parasites are a major problem in the 3rd countries, but nothing could be further from the truth

Kidney - Every day, your kidneys process the blood and help to filter waste products (lead, mercury and other toxins) and excess water

Liver - The liver produces substances to combat viruses and bacteria, supports phagocytosis, cell eating, and produces antihistamines to neutralize substances that promote cancer growth

blood - the first things to improve the circulatory system is to clear-out "highway" through which blood flows
More aboutNatural Cancer Cures Process

The Breuss Cancer Cure

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 13 September 2011

42 day juice fast

Rudolf Breuss was an educated man from Austria who has an innate understanding of the human body and love for humanity. He turned his attention to finding alternative, gentle treatment for cancer and other diseases, because conventional treatments are invasive and not often successful.

Normally the main treatment after diagnosis of cancer is surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Some of these treatments are successful if the cancer is caught early, but the success of these same treatments for advanced cancer is almost zero, because statistics show that only 2-3% of people would benefit from chemotherapy. He puts forward the argument that advanced cancer should be treated differently.

Cancer is a disease of the total toxicity. See what we are exposed to on a daily basis. Air pollution, water pollution, pesticides and insecticides in all commercially produced foods, refined foods, preservatives, chemicals and food boje.Ljudsko body is not designed for this build-up of man-made toxic substances, they can not deal with them and so they accumulate in the system and this is the reason for the disease.

Breuss put patients on juice fasting, which effectively removes metabolic wastes and the release of cell membrane protein build-up around the station, which prevents proper oxygenation. This treatment not only cures cancer, but also eliminates many other problems such as skin infections, obesity, infertility, kidney infections, constipation and dander, to name a few.

Breuss cancer cure is 42 days juice fast. This program is a combination of some vegetables with special blended herbal teas. This treatment deals with cancer and other diseases totally detoxifying and cleansing the entire system.

treatment of the theory is to starve cancer deep detoxification using a combination of juices that are made from beets, carrots, celery, radishes and potatoes. (Potato juice is one of the best food is alkaline). Cancer can only exist in acid or acid environment and this treatment makes the patient an alkaline system, provided that no food to feed cancers, thus starving it.

a special combination of juices and teas that are used in the treatment of the body to hold food as they are rich in vitamins and minerals, meanwhile, allows the metabolism to get back into balance.

the success of treatment depends on what exactly follow the uputama.Tijelo may initially feel uncomfortable effects of headaches and nausea, and perhaps depression, but it is perfectly normal and means that changes are taking place and the cleaning action is commenced. These symptoms should be allowed to happen and soon pass.

It is absolutely essential if you are intending to take the natural cancer treatments, such as the Breuss juice fast, to engage a natural therapist, such as a naturopath or homeopath to monitor and guide you through the process.

Rudolf Breuss organic juice recipe is by Biotta company in Switzerland to their strict guidelines. It is completely organic and vegetables are pressed without heat and in a way that preserves all the live enzymes. Lactic acid is added to preserve the juice. If you can not juice veggies yourself, Biotta juice is available in bottles from good health stores. Its recommended herbal teas are also available from good health stores.

"Do not be afraid of cancer. Raka live on solid food only, if only my drink vegetable juice and herbal teas for 42 days, the cancerous growth dies and you live"

quote Rudolf Breuss - from the book "The Breuss Cancer Cure '

Up to 1990, about 45,000 (probably more) of cancer patients and patients with seemingly incurable diseases are recovered using this post.

More aboutThe Breuss Cancer Cure

Breast Cancer - How to Reduce Your Risk

Diposting oleh writer

This past month, the United States focus on "buying pink" for breast cancer research funding.

Even with all this funding, breast cancer in women in the United States has quadrupled over the past 40 years, causing physical and emotional pain for women and their families.

Donna Eden, a medical intuitive explains how she can "see" the energetic influence of a bra on our bodies. Especially underwire bra stops the natural flow of energy and fluids through the lymph system in our breasts.

Scientific evidence supports the link between bras and dojke.Teorija diseases that bra can prevent the proper functioning of the lymphatic system, which is an internal network of vessels and nodes that flushes wastes from the body.

accumulated wastes and toxins from the breast may result in fibrocystic changes (benign lumps, cysts, and pain) and create a breeding ground for various problems, including cancer. Studies have shown that women who breastfeed and / or exercise regularly have lower incidence of breast cancer - but not as low as women without bras


lymphatic circulation is highly dependent on the movement. Every subtle bounce of the breast gently massages the breast and increases lymphatic flow, cleansing toxins from the breast.

Bra without women constantly promote lymph flow. Wearing a bra constricts the natural flow. However, it might not be ready to go completely free-bra.

There is an easy and quick way you can promote lymph flow: Self-masaža.Neurolymphatic system of circles of each breast, and naturally flows to the lymph nodes in the arm. Start in the center of the chest and massage the breasts around the top of the van, according to the armpits.

then do the same for the lower part of the breast, starting in the middle of the chest, around and below the breasts below the armpits.

is the best way to prevent breast massage every day, at night when you remove the bra, or a shower.

At first, your breasts may be painful. Start gently, increasing pressure as the pain disappears. As the toxins released, you may experience some detox symptoms ... mild to medium fatigue, sinus headaches, some cramping, etc.

Treat yourself well, drink lots of water, get plenty of rest, and keep massaging.

Protect your breasts. It quickly and easily clean your lymphatic system could only be the safest, easiest and most effective way to reduce the risk of breast cancer, and maybe even prevent it from ever occurring.

More aboutBreast Cancer - How to Reduce Your Risk

Scientific Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Cancer

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 12 September 2011

Dermatologists have successfully hammered a thought to us all: sun exposure can cause skin cancer, so wear sunscreen when you're out in the sun. What dermatologists do not tell us that the vitamin D we get from the sun can also prevent serious cancers such as breast, colon, pancreas and prostate.

Mounting scientific evidence shows a strong association between vitamin D and cancer. Would not it be wonderful if we could prevent cancer by optimizing the level of vitamin D in the body? Even in patients with a diagnosis of cancer, regular vitamin D supplementation plays an important role in cancer treatment and prevention of its recurrence.

What stimulates the growth of cancer cells?

In the last two decades, research has clearly demonstrated two factors can promote the growth of cancer: Vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance syndrome. First, let's examine how cancer develops. In your body, old cells are continually dying and fresh new cells are born. In other words, there is a further cycle of birth and death of cells. There is a fine balance between cell death and birth.

Vitamin D is involved in cell death and insulin is involved in the growth of new cells. Now consider a scenario in which low vitamin D in the body, and insulin levels are high. Both of these factors causes a shift in the normal balance of cell birth and death. Low vitamin D causes a reduction in cell death and high levels of insulin causes an increase in growth stanica.Neto result is a huge increase in the number of cells. This is exactly what happens when you have cancer;. Unlimited growth of abnormal cells in your body

High levels of insulin present in people with insulin resistance syndrome (also known as Metabolic Syndrome). In short, the insulin resistance syndrome consists of obesity, hypertension, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, pre-diabetes or diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome and high levels of uric acid. You do not need all these features. Only a few of them are enough to have a diagnosis of insulin resistance syndrome. Some complications of insulin resistance syndrome include: coronary artery disease, stroke and fatty liver. For in-depth look at insulin resistance syndrome, please read my book, "Take charge of your diabetes ."

might be called a lack of vitamin D and high insulin, two important promoters of cancer. It is interesting to note that vitamin D has been shown to worsen the insulin resistance syndrome, which leads to a further increase in insulin levels.

In addition, obesity, which often plays a central role in insulin resistance syndrome, also causes a deficiency of vitamin D. Obesity is clearly a common denominator for insulin resistance and vitamin D deficiency. For a long time, doctors have known obesity to be a strong risk factor for cancer. We now understand that vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance are two options that obesity is associated with cancer. Both vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance syndrome has reached epidemic proportions, affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world. What is alarming is that both vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance syndrome worsens. It is intuitive to predict that we will continue to see an increasing number of cancer cases as time passes.

Can vitamin D help in treating cancer?

the answer is yes!

Vitamin D not only helps in preventing cancer, but it also helps in treating raka.Istraživači with Harvard Medical School published an excellent article (3) in 2005, citing the overwhelming evidence that strongly supports the anti-cancer role of vitamin D supplementation in patients with colon cancer. In the case of breast cancer, the role of vitamin D as an anticancer agent is promising. In the case of prostate cancer appears to be more active form of vitamin D, known as 1,25 (OH) 2 vitamin D, provides anti-cancer activity.

Surprisingly, many oncologists do not seriously take into account the great anti-cancer benefits of vitamin D. Some oncologists to stay updated on current knowledge can casually recommend vitamin D to their patients. What I saw in my patients is usually something like this: If a patient brings the subject of vitamin D, oncologist might say, "Yes, it's a good idea should take vitamin D.". Unfortunately, it is often at the end of the tip. Vitamin D level is not checked. The dosage amount is not raspravljalo.Pacijent usually ends up taking vitamin D on their own at a dose of 400 IU per day, which is the label of the bottle, meets 100% of your recommended daily dose. When patients come to me for some other reason, such as diabetes, can check their vitamin D level. In most cases, their levels of vitamin D is low, despite the recommended dose of 400 IU per day.

So, beware and take responsibility for their vitamin D status and supplementation!

1st Garland CF, Garland FC, ​​Gorham ED, et al. The role of vitamin D in cancer prevention. Am J Pub Health.2006, 96 (2) :252-26.
2nd Treti S, Hernes E, Berg JP, et al. The association between serum 25 (OH) D and death from prostate cancer. Br J Cancer.2009, 100 (3) :450-454th
3rd Giovannucci E. Epidemiology of vitamin D and cancer incidence and mortality: an overview (United States). Cancer Causes Control.2005;. 16 (2) :83-95

More aboutScientific Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Cancer

Basics of Mesothelioma

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 08 September 2011

abnormalities in mesothelioma cells, causing them to divide uncontrollably leading to mesothelioma. This can be either a non-cancerous or cancer. He is known as a malignant form of mesothelioma when the carcinogen, and when the non-carcinogen is known as a benign form. These cells end up attacks in nearby organs such as keep multiplying and usually cause severe damage to the patient. If the disease is cancer, it can spread over the body.

exposure to asbestos is a common cause of this disease, and even exposure to a number of asbestos fibers can lead to it, but most people do not realize is that this exposure can lead to mesothelioma since it was 20-40 years the gap between exposure to substances and disease.

People who work in places such as shipyards, construction sites and restoration sites are most likely to contract mesothelioma due to constant exposure to asbestos and asbestos fibers hanging on your clothes can affect their family causing them to contract the disease as well. Prevention of mesothelioma requires a high degree of caution and care.

Studies have shown that smokers succumb mesothelioma much faster than non-smokers, which may indicate that the mixture of smoking and asbestos can be doubly dangerous. So, if you worked around asbestos whether you smoke or not, you must consult with a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Mesothelioma is a very serious life threatening condition and must receive appropriate treatment quickly.

difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and cough are some of the early symptoms of mesothelioma, and since these symptoms are so general that a lot of mixed pneumonia or other illness. To take measures against this disease as soon as possible and heal it vital diagnosis will be required which is vital in helping to treat this disease.

Rapid diagnosis of mesothelioma is also important for all the litigation that you May have to bave.Slučaj mesothelioma Court may take a long time and suffering can not be alive to see the outcome. Therefore it is necessary to fast diagnosis is required.

If you have the opportunity to take your case to court, you will need to appoint a mesothelioma lawyer. You will need a specially trained lawyers to deal with these types of cases. As the court cases can be very long and drawn out, mesothelioma attorney must be aware of the pitfalls and what information to find.

Your mesothelioma lawyer will also be able to advise you on how long the court case is likely to take. As your health may deteriorate long before the trial because of your family may have to be the case anymore. It can be emotionally draining and very traumatic for all involved, so that your family will be ready.

More aboutBasics of Mesothelioma