MGN-3 - Natural Breast Cancer Cure

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 19 September 2011

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There is no doubt that the profit earned by the companies and people who are in the cancer industry is huge. Ordinary people would not want to believe that companies are so greedy that they do not care what happens to people who have cancer, and knowing that there are natural cancer cures and treatments.

natural breast cancer cure - MGN-3

conventional treatments for cancer are very expensive and dangerous. It is not possible that there has been no progress in the fight against cancer in recent decades. That is why so many people are interested in natural medicines and alternative treatments. Breast cancer is one of the most common type of cancer and treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are brutal. But there are other treatments that are not so well known, such as MGN-3 treatment. MGN-3 is one of the most effective natural breast cancer cure. What exactly is it?

MGN-3 is the overall immune system booster and stimulant, is particularly effective in enhancing natural killer cells. These Natural Killer (NK​​) cells are the first line in the fight against cancer, bacterial infections and viral infections. It is also shown that MGN-3 increases the activity level of T-cells and B cells, increases the production of many cytokines, interferon-gamma such as interleukin-2, tumor necrotic factor alpha (TNFA) and interleukin-12.

Principal Investigator and researcher MGN-3 Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum who research immunologist. Dr. Ghoneum is an expert in cancer immune therapy (CIT). CIT is an area of ​​therapy that uses biological response modifiers to increase the activity of natural cell Kill. Dr. Ghoneum studied biological response modifiers of natural compounds and synthetic BRM's. However, there have been many delays, mainly due to the high toxicity of BRM's.

Fortunately Dr. Ghoneum discovered BRM, which stimulates the immune system and has very low toxicity level, which is, of course, MGN-3. However, it should be used as a natural cure breast cancer? Is there evidence?

These are good questions, etc. Ghoneum has published several studies in the scientific and medical journals to support his research. His research interests include data from the test tube and animal data, as well as patients and 72 people. One of his early study was done in 1995, there were 32 cancer patients at different stages of cancer and who received traditional treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery.

natural kill cells were low in all of these patients (10.8% -49%), oral ingestion of MGN-3 and lead to an increased cell kill in just a few weeks. It is in the range of 100% -537% in multiple myeloma patients, 100% -240% in leukemia patients, 174% -385% in prostate cancer patients and 145% -332% in patients with breast cancer. The most important increase in natural kill cells, held for five years after completing therapy.

This was just one example of many other options. It is important to at least educate people about these treatments, cures and remedies. It's even better if people can find a doctor who takes this seriously and is willing to go against the "norm ."

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