A Cancer Growth Is Only A Sign That Something Is Wrong With the Entire Body

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 25 September 2011

Doctors are taught that cancer of the chest, and if they can remove all of them successfully beat the disease. Unfortunately, this is not true. Cancer, no matter where it appears in the body is actually a problem with the whole body, and the growth itself is only simptom.Simptom is a sign that something is redu.Pravi medicine means treating the whole body.

If the cancer problem is only growing, and then remove it with our current methods of treatment that would solve the problem. But we all know someone who has undergone this treatment and was advised by their doctor, I successfully remove it all;. Often die soon after they tried to cure the disease

the fact is that every cancer growth by itself is not a problem, and far more effective way to treat people with diseases to treat people, not cancer.

Our 3 treatments for cancer are now in place because they are profitable. For example, chemotherapy is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and I've read many times that the cancer will never be cured or a cure will never be found because it is too much money being made with our current methods of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Cancer is a disease simply of impaired immune system is weakened because of the way now živimo.Imunološki system is part of our anatomy that everyone has, that keeps us healthy and free bolesti.Imunološki system is not working properly will allow normal body's cells to multiply out of control and the result is the growth of cancer cells. So, common sense should tell someone that the first priority is to strengthen our all-important immune system.

Of course, there is no cure or treatment for boosting the immune system and that is why doctors do not know about it. As a cancer patient needs is a natural living with a good diet and some exercise, but now we have been brainwashed into believing that the day of any health problem can be cured with a pill or treatment.

solve the problem of cancer means to correct the reasons why they first appeared and this change of diet and eat only food that is natural for man. What this means is to treat the whole body and will allow the body to heal. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix way to cure cancer, but there is no way for those who can make these changes.

If you are dealing with cancer right way to heal the body forever is to focus on correcting the reasons why the first grow and what to do to eat only food that is fresh and in season, getting some exercise that will stimulate and strengthen immune system, and live a more natural way that supports life.

Do not put a quick fix temporary treatment for their cancer. Need a permanent solution to your problem and that improving diet, some exercise and live as we should. It works for everyone.

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