The Hepatitis-Cirrhosis Connection And An Important Liver Support Supplement

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

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According to the American Liver Foundation, more than 25 million Americans are afflicted with liver and gall bladder disease and more than 43,000 die from liver disease each year. Although several factors contribute to liver damage, viral hepatitis most important cause of liver disease in the United States and around the world. Approximately 200 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). 4.9 million of those in the United States (estimates go as high as 15 million) and 5 million in Western Europe. For every one person infected with AIDS, more than four infected with Hepatitis C. There are also to 230,000 new hepatitis C infections in the United States each year. Currently, 8000-10000 deaths each year result from HCV. In the next 10-20 years, chronic hepatitis C, is predicted to become a huge burden of health systems and patients without symptoms progress to end stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma develop. Prediction in the United States show that 60% increase in the incidence of cirrhosis, 68% increase in the incidence of hepatoma, 528% increase in demand for transplants, a 223% increase in liver death rate.

the role of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in causing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are well documented. The frequency of HCC correlates with chronic HBV infection rates. HCC is a cancer arising from the liver. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma. HCC is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the majority of patients with HCC will die within one year due raka.Većina primary liver tumors (90 to 95%) occurs in liver cells and is called hepatocellular cancer or carcinoma. In 1990, the World Health Organization estimates that there were around 430,000 new cases of HCC worldwide, and a similar number of patients died from this disease arises. Moreover, recent data show that the incidence of HCC in the U.S. overall is rising. Is there a way to curb this growth?

A healthy liver is essential!

Although there is no cure for hepatitis and no completely effective treatment, risks arising from HCC, cirrhosis, hepatitis and various nor can best be combated by supporting the liver with natural supplements.

Extreme Health Liver Support Formula

This extremely effective combination of ingredients has Double Blind Study confirms reduction in degenerative liver damage in patients with chronic liver disease (cirrhosis), as little as 30-90 days. This combination has proven studies for detoxifying the liver, normalizing liver metabolism and preventing further liver damage due to internal and external toxins like alcohol, cigarettes, long term pharmaceutical use, and environmental toxins

artichoke bud / sarsaparilla extract is used in extreme health Liver Support Formula is a completely unique complex of phytochemicals extracted from the bud of a hybrid artichoke plant (Cynara floridanum) and the root of the sarsaparilla plant (Smilax officinalis), which can be found at or by calling 1-800-800-1285. The actual extraction process uses a method in which all plant materials are first combined, macerated, and put in distilled water / ethanol solvent. This allows the plant materials to interact within the solvent resulting in an exceptional, health in the formulation of polyphenols and flavonoids.

artichoke has a long folk history in treating many liver diseases. Recent evidence supports this longtime koristiti.Aktivni ingredient in artichoke is cynarin. This compound is found in highest concentrations in the leaves. Cynara extract showed the liver and protects the renewed activity, and promotes the outflow of bile from the liver into the gallbladder. It is very important because if the bile does not carry adequate gallbladder, the liver has an increased risk of damage.

Again, there is no cure or completely effective treatment for hepatitis, but the risk of hepatitis, cirrhosis relations should not be ignored. Extreme Health is proud to offer perhaps the only liver support protocol double-blind study confirms its ability to decrease cirrhosis related to liver damage.

liver function include

expanding body of scientific study confirms the healthy liver prophylactic role in maintaining optimal health. It is precisely because the role of the liver in regulation, synthesis and secretion of substances key to maintaining a healthy tijela.Jetre functions include, but are not limited to the following:

1) Converts nutrients into energy 7) The production and storage of bile

2) It helps resist infection 8) Removing bacteria from our system

3) metabolizes protein 9) Control fat

4) helps regulate blood sugar levels 10) Production of proteins and nutrients

5) Filtering and removing toxins 11) storage of iron and nutrients

6) Removal of the drug in our system 12) Manufacturing new body proteins

We can easily understand why the liver is considered the body refinery. Accordingly, the overloaded, toxic, or otherwise diseased liver necessarily involves centrifugal detoxification of the body, such as the kidneys and gallbladder and can result in extreme pain and even death within 12-24 hours! Reciprocally, a variety of diseases and viruses actually cause liver damage, the most dangerous of which is potentially hepatitis



- 25,000 Americans die from cirrhosis, the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S.

-. 85% of people infected with HCV will develop long-term infection

-. 75% of people can develop chronic liver disease

-. 15% of people may develop cirrhosis over a long period of time

fatty liver (steatosis) Steato hepatitis / cirrhosis

Fatty liver or steatosis is a common condition where fat has accumulated within liver cells (hepatocytes) without causing any specific symptoms.

Recent studies show that fatty liver was an alcoholic and alcoholic origin can lead to inflammation, cell death and fibrosis (steatohepatitis), and eventually even cirrhosis.

for a copy of the double-blind study, visit or call 1-800-800-1285 to order

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