The Side Effects From Conventional Cancer Treatment Vs Alternative Treatments

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

How you are dealing with cancer or know someone who is or somebody who died because of this frightening disease? I bet that almost every one of you answered "yes" to this question. Now, any of the people you know die from cancer while they were still receiving their treatment? Here is a hard fact: every day, more and more people get affected by this unforgiving disease called "cancer!" What's worse is that many of them eventually died. Not just the cancer itself, but from all the toxins and chemicals put into your body to treat cancer really. I'll tell you what is the difference between getting the more traditional conventional cancer treatment and receive more effective treatment alternative cancer.

When most people learn they have cancer, they do not usually sit and take time thinking about what their next step is or what their options for treatment. Well, that's because most of them, like myself, never knew that there was no other alternative cancer treatments and available. Most of us are only familiar with traditional conventional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. We probably all believe that these treatments are our only answer and the remedy for the treatment of most cancers, while it was still in early stages and continues to heal. I actually heard about alternative medicine to kill cancer where people drink Chinese herbs as medicine to kill cancer cells. I personally never believed this way will work, and even to be effective. I did not know that other alternative methods are used that is more effective than conventional ones, until now.

I know many people who died of cancer within one year from the knowledge that they even had. We all seek medical help the most prominent professionals, hospitals, nurses and doctors believe they know what is best and follow all their instructions. That is why many people with cancer find themselves under the knife, taking high doses of radiation, and complications and diseases of many side effects can be obtained from the invasive conventional treatments. Big mistake! Nobody knows or can tell what is best for my body but myself.

We are all familiar with traditional conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Have you ever known any of these treatments should be relaxing, comfortable, and comfortable during the procedure? When you go with conventional treatment, not only to feel pain, but you will feel sicker, weaker, and looks ten years older. Every patient I saw immediately after receiving chemotherapy or radiation, but they look more like a walking zombie! These patients can barely even walk without falling or assistance, you've got pale skin, as there is no blood flowing in them, his eyes look like they were bulging out because they are very thin, and even experience hair loss. It is absolutely heartbreaking to see another human it is the way they work. What is even more disgusting is that these doctors is a real pat on the back for a job well done in keeping these patients alive and happy! Absolute Garbage! I'm sure you all agree that if you're like most people with cancer, you would rather die than to look and feel this way or to give up the quality of life that we all deserve.

Now, let me tell you about cancer treatment breakthrough that has advanced excellent alternative therapy for cancer in the world called "hyperthermia". Hyperthermia (heat gently concentrated) in combination with low - dose radiation is the most effective alternative cancer treatment available, and virtually painless, which will allow greater comfort for cancer patients! You do not get any of hair loss, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and even feel sicker and weaker than they were before the actual treatment. When I was little I would hear people say jokingly: "If the cancer does not kill you but will definitely treat!" I now realize that it is not a joke. I assumed that, because how can any treatment to be worse than the disease. After hearing all different stories about what cancer patients go through the grueling side effects, this expression makes sense!

let's see the latest Hollywood celebrity interview has cancer. In August of this Oscar-winning actor announced he was diagnosed with stage IV esophageal cancer (cancer of the throat.) He immediately following his doctor's orders and began an exhausting eight grueling weeks of high doses of chemotherapy and radiation. I saw pictures of him on the internet to take before he started his treatment and those taken recently while he was still in treatment and I was shocked! Since it began eight grueling weeks of treatment, he looks ten times worse. Not only does it look like it was the age of 10, he looks pale and extremely thin, almost skeletal. I mean, just a few months, it looks as if someone had sucked the life blood out of him. It's like having no power or life left in it. How saddening to see one of Hollywood's all time greatest actor, to be so weak and helpless and can not even talk or enjoy life with my beautiful family because life-threatening diseases.

Now, I do not know about the rest of you, but I sure as hell would not want my health worsen with treatment, if the whole point of receipt and I will be healthier. That the actor knows about hyperthermia, and chose this non-invasive treatment instead, he would still have his vote, retained their appetite, and even get more power. He would not have the same effect backbreaking side as he is currently experiencing now. I sincerely hope and pray his treatment is completed successfully and wins his battle against cancer, without any lasting side effects.

hyperthermia alone will not solve your cancer itself, but high heat is known to kill cancer cells directly and make them more susceptible to radiation dose zračenje.Niske catches any renegade cancer cells that might have avoided the heat of bullets. This can work on different types of cancer. It is known to work very well, especially with breast cancer, prostate, head and neck, throat and tongue cancer with no recurrence of cancer cells. With hyperthermia, not poison your body with many types of drugs used to control pain that can become very addictive. Believe it or not, this alternative treatment can actually help reduce pain and even help improve your immune system.

the treatment process is painless and without causing any inconvenience. Unlike a conventional course of treatment you will feel relaxed, pain free, and comfort. After lying down, a technician will come into place and applying heat to the tumor, and then only drijemati.Topline technicians monitored at all times so that each treatment gets the right amount of heat each time. It really is this simple. Hyperthermia is truly the most advanced cancer therapy in the world and most medical facilities will not let you have it! It really pisses me off that these doctors and medical experts all know this remarkable cure, but never bothered to mention it to patients. Instead of patients to choose their options, and selfish, money hungry doctors make the decision for them and have them received high doses of chemotherapy, radiation, and even worse, surgery to remove parts of their bodies.

How can anyone believe that cutting, burning and poisoning one's body is the best choice when the alternative treatment of "hyperthermia" is available? Fortunately, right here in Los Angeles, California is a pioneering doctor who is internationally recognized for the development of treatment techniques powerful but gentle to patients from all over the world come for their treatment. His treatment center is the only place offering hyperthermia with low-dose radiation in the form of IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy) develops and conducts himself. He has devoted his career to improve the results for each person who comes to his clinic. He works day and night tirelessly to pamper treatment and monitoring of outcomes.

Basically, all I want is for anyone who has cancer or anyone you know has cancer they say that they do not have to spend the rest of his time in discomfort, pain and helplessness of all the toxins put into the body when choosing the conventional treatment. Tell them that there is much more effective and painless alternative treatments available to them. Not only that hyperthermia help you live a better quality of life, it will cost one tenth that of normal conventional treatment. So how would anyone be down again? Or why would anyone go down hyperthermia, and choose to pay more and feel even worse for the conventional treatment?

I encourage everyone to please look into every option that is available. If your doctor tells you that the only way to get rid of your cancer with either surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. You should always get a second opinion or even third opinion, so you're confident in your decision. You can also go online to find more information on the type of cancer and treatment options are available. I highly recommend everyone to do online research before even seeing any specialists. Learn all about the type of cancer you have and which I suggest everyone not to. You can find all kinds of free information for all on the Internet. Never make a decision based on only one medical opinion. There is so much that many doctors tend to be hidden from patients. I feel like many doctors make medical decisions based on what they know only that I believe will be the best. What health professionals should bear in mind that there are scientists around the world are working hard trying to develop new treatments for cancer, so the traditional conventional treatment is not always the right answer for each individual patient.

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