Natural Cancer Cures - Diet Has a Massive Part to Play

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

There are many pills, potions and diet claims to natural cancer cures. How reliable are they? Usually, even ardent advocates of natural approaches do not agree with the total abandonment of orthodox treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy in favor of alternative cancer treatments. Regardless of the approach or the approach you choose should take caution and a lot of knowledge gained about the therapy. Each therapy can have side effects, even if, of course, based on some natural remedies can adversely affect or inhibit the function of orthodox doctors, so be aware of these potential conflicts. Definitely consult a specialist regardless of the alternative cancer treatment you choose, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you use some other form of therapy already.

, however, disappointed many sufferers strongly argue that conventional medicine has only were more ill and was not cured of their disease. Many people have had experiences that cancer is diagnosed, where he believes the best approach to chemotherapy and / or operations and / or radiotherapy. That, however, May or May not work, but it will certainly give the side effects, sometimes debilitating and cause further disease. Alarmingly, the U.S., the side effects of these pharmaceuticals are the fifth largest cause of death.

It's no wonder that people are looking for more natural methods of cancer treatment for their illness and course of these drugs work for many people. Thousands of people have been cured through diet and indeed the Western diet is seen by many medical experts are dangerous to health. A shocking one in three Americans die of cancer that has grown in recent years - it was one of the four. For women, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. Many women seek alternative treatments for breast cancer, rather than going through courses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy and / or surgery. Some combine both conventional and alternative treatments.

It is obvious that what we put into our body will affect our health. In 1979 he published a report, compiled from more than 2,000 studies and use the advice of physicians, biochemists and nutritionists. He concluded that regular American diet is dangerous. Than 2.1 million Americans who died in 1979, 1.5 million died from eating related diseases, and thus the study was strongly emphasized that a good diet is essential to optimal health. They were encouraged by the reduction of saturated fats like red meat, butter and eggs.

University researchers studied a group of 200 cancer sufferers who where experienced spontaneous remission, and found that 87% had changed their diet to a vegetarian.

Although it is increasing at an alarming rate, the cancer can be prevented. Consumption unnatural, denatured foods such as refined white sugar, flour and white rice, along with chemicals such as preservatives and additives such as MSG, all this bad food. Alcohol, coffee, tobacco, and carbonated beverages, and dairy products and meat is considered harmful to the health of many physicians who believe that diet is key to preventing cancer. Complete Good food builds a strong immune system and good blood where as denatured, manufactured foods deplete the body's immune system and create acidity in the body where the disease progresses.

For some types of cancer, toxins are the cause of a single case of mesothelioma cancer caused by asbestos exposure. There are two different types namely peritoneal mesothelioma and malignant mesothelioma. It is known that patients with this rare form of cancer depleted immune system, and although there is no known cure, care for general health and immune system could significantly extend the life of the patient for several years.

Thus, it appears that there are many natural cures cancer as possible, especially food, but it is up to the patient to decide whether just to use them, or in combination with conventional medical treatments.

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