Breast Cancer Poems - Two Reasons Why Writing Poetry Helps Breast Cancer Patients Cope

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Do you have breast cancer? Whether you've just been diagnosed or are you in the middle of treatment, you're probably in need of some emotional help. I write poetry can provide that help, or at least some of it. Of course, at first glance it is May seem like an absurd proposition, especially if you are not yet a writer, but you May not be surprised that you will reap the benefits if you would write songs to try to breast cancer.

There are many reasons why writing, especially writing poetry can help people cope as they go through tough times. And he was diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing treatment certainly qualifies as a difficult time. Here are two reasons:

1) Writing helps relieve stress

is the first reason for writing helps someone who is going through breast cancer treatment is that the simple process of writing helps relieve stress. It has been tested in real clinical trials, so it's not just your anecdotal evidence that supports it.

To be useful, he writes may not be particularly "good", even though you May not be surprised by what you are able to create after the fact, pen in hand and start writing. Or when you start hitting the keyboard laptop.

While the title of this article mentions the songs of breast cancer, you need not write poetry to benefit. Just journaling will work just fine. However, the songs do not offer additional benefits.

2) writing poetry helps express painful emotions

Whatever you do journaling, or go straight to the poetry, May you find that experimenting with poetry is especially useful for the expression of painful emotions. After all, a lot of poetry, is written by teens anxious as they go through the pain of unrequited love. In fact, some very famous songs, including some of the famous German poet Goethe, deals with this issue.

So, he gave up poetry pours out emotional pain. After I won the intimidation factor that poetry must necessarily be "serious" - which is a myth - you'll probably find out soon enough one of his less frightening aspect: it is short! No need to write long or priče.Pjesma can only be a few lines. You can even create a haiku -. They require only 17 syllables, which can turn into a focused pain

Another reason why poetry helps express feelings that fall into metaphors. Of course, you can use metaphors everywhere, but the songs practically beg for them. So, do not have to be blunt - if you want to be. Instead, you can find a suitable image that expresses what you feel -. I put in my poem breast cancer

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