Lung Cancer Cures - Is There One That Actually Works?

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 24 September 2011

The current lung cancer drugs

to cure lung cancer for all patients has not yet been developed. While survival rates for this disease are generally low, 'cures' are delivered to this small percentage through early detection and one of three common treatments. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are used alone or in combination with one another in order to remove or kill cancer cells in the body.


Surgical procedures are applied to the small population of patients, about one in Fri That said, surgery is used to remove a tumor or body tissue, and sometimes after a course of chemotherapy. Inoperable cases where the disease has spread to vital organs or other body structures, and is harder ukloniti.Ljudi who do not qualify for surgery, or need additional treatment to remove the cancer will undergo chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy.


Chemo drug is given orally or intravenously. It improves the life expectancy for killing cancer cells. Patients responding well to this treatment will get smaller classes Chemo and spend less time in bolnici.Dobro documented side effects of this protocol, including nausea and hair loss can be managed by physician-adjusted dosage and anti-emetic drugs.


two types of radiotherapy used in the fight against cancer pluća.Prvi a radical therapy that targets contained tumors with high doses zračenja.Drugi uses less radiation dose to relieve symptoms and improve the patient's lifestyle.

Palliative meant to extend the life of patients and more benefits. Radical therapy hopes to destroy the cancer while it is localized, and requires the patient to be in relatively good health. Evidence from the "Cochrane Database of systematic reviews; 2010 Number 9, suggests higher doses of palliative therapies are ineffective and lead to side effects of increased toxicity



experimental vaccines and medicines are available to victims of cancer. Clinical trials are conducted throughout the United States and internationally. Patients are encouraged to explore these options to increase their chances of survival. Future possibilities include the use of nano-technology, advanced labeling and detection of radiation therapy and diagnostic methods. Always thoroughly research a clinical trial and consult a physician before participating.

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