Definition of Holistic

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 07 November 2011

definition of holistic refers to the entire system, not a particle of pieces. When you treat people, the mind, body and emotions aspects are concerned. Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD explains in his book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, Creating physical and mental health and treatment, so that we can heal the body by dealing with our past, anxiety, anger, stress and relate to our current emotional state . Treating the mind and body simultaneously, it is important for the welfare of our bodies.

How do we define a relationship or a holistic system in our lives?

human being is a complex soul. Diseases such as cancer can be treated holistically. Um rules eighty percent of the body. When a person is upset or depressed, toxic chemicals are produced in the body, causing a person's immune system to go down. Cancer patient's immune system is less than the average person, which is susceptible to infection and disease.

Dr. Christiane Northrup says in her book "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing", that "thoughts that are attractive, nurture and love creates a healthy biochemistry and healthy cells, and the thoughts that are destructive for themselves or others, not only against ."

What are the things that cause anxiety?

  • emotional stress: Jobs, family problems, divorce, financial security, crime bills, death, peer pressure, disease, poverty, and separation.
  • environment: air pollution and water contamination

If any of the above are eliminated, diseases such as cancer are less seen in our lives? I believe the answer is yes. Our biochemistry affects too much pain, and environmental causes in our lives.

, however, a holistic approach to treating the body as a whole, using herbal remedies, organic whole products, mind and body relaxation, relieving stress and anger, dealing with their emotions, and the production of healthy cells are better alternatives.

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Breast Cancer Poems - Two Reasons Why Writing Poetry Helps Breast Cancer Patients Cope

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Do you have breast cancer? Whether you've just been diagnosed or are you in the middle of treatment, you're probably in need of some emotional help. I write poetry can provide that help, or at least some of it. Of course, at first glance it is May seem like an absurd proposition, especially if you are not yet a writer, but you May not be surprised that you will reap the benefits if you would write songs to try to breast cancer.

There are many reasons why writing, especially writing poetry can help people cope as they go through tough times. And he was diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing treatment certainly qualifies as a difficult time. Here are two reasons:

1) Writing helps relieve stress

is the first reason for writing helps someone who is going through breast cancer treatment is that the simple process of writing helps relieve stress. It has been tested in real clinical trials, so it's not just your anecdotal evidence that supports it.

To be useful, he writes may not be particularly "good", even though you May not be surprised by what you are able to create after the fact, pen in hand and start writing. Or when you start hitting the keyboard laptop.

While the title of this article mentions the songs of breast cancer, you need not write poetry to benefit. Just journaling will work just fine. However, the songs do not offer additional benefits.

2) writing poetry helps express painful emotions

Whatever you do journaling, or go straight to the poetry, May you find that experimenting with poetry is especially useful for the expression of painful emotions. After all, a lot of poetry, is written by teens anxious as they go through the pain of unrequited love. In fact, some very famous songs, including some of the famous German poet Goethe, deals with this issue.

So, he gave up poetry pours out emotional pain. After I won the intimidation factor that poetry must necessarily be "serious" - which is a myth - you'll probably find out soon enough one of his less frightening aspect: it is short! No need to write long or priče.Pjesma can only be a few lines. You can even create a haiku -. They require only 17 syllables, which can turn into a focused pain

Another reason why poetry helps express feelings that fall into metaphors. Of course, you can use metaphors everywhere, but the songs practically beg for them. So, do not have to be blunt - if you want to be. Instead, you can find a suitable image that expresses what you feel -. I put in my poem breast cancer

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Seduction Community Supports Women

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

the other day my friend sent me the e-mail telling his wife to the Susan G. Komen race to raise money for breast cancer. It just so happens that another mutual friend has a mother who is currently the treatment of this frightening disease.

decision was my friend that his wife would bear the name of this woman on her t-shirt, and dedicate her run this mutual friend's mother.

mass e-mail was sent to dozens of members of the seduction community - those people who teach other people how to meet and pick up the mind žene.Odgovor boggling.Pomoć for women with breast cancer and support to find a cure for breast cancer was impressive. Men are reluctant to donate $ 500, even $ 1,000, to this worthy cause.

In a few moments, my friend's wife was one of the top earners in the race donations in your state. And only a small part of the e-mail address is not seen at this time. Who knows what the end will be closed. All I know is that members of the seduction community impressed the heck out of me.

This just proves that people who work in the seduction community of lovers of women are not misogynists as some ignorant people mistakenly assume. What stereotype is completely wrong. Outsiders might think wrongly seduction community to exploit women, or used in a way that women are not good for women.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

It should be said there are a few bad eggs out there, the vast majority of people continue to pick up artist skills, place great emphasis on students acting with respect, honesty and integrity in all his dealings with women. It's all about learning how to be the best person you can be so you can attract quality women in your life. Many men learn to pick up artist skills ultimately seek the woman of his dreams, which may one day turn to his wife.

a lot of what is taught in the seduction community to create your own life so wonderful that you do not need a partner in it, but one wishes. That is the difference between want and need. Where do you want women to enhance the life you already have. Living a great life, are also becoming very attractive to all of you zadovoljiti.Većina pick up artists teach people how to improve their lives so that they can become the best people can be so that when you meet their dream girl on the bet that they can be and can offer a woman the best.

I think it was an opportunity that can be taken to show people outside that community members really seduce the guys and gals should be rising.

This pouring forth the financial support for women fighting breast cancer and the race for the cure is just one demonstration of this respect.

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Seeing Jericho in the Relay For Life

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

of the season for annual Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society taking place around the same time every year. Hundreds of thousands of people from communities around the nation and the world, walk a circular path around the fields, tracks and parks to show united front to raise money and bring awareness to support research for breast and other cancers.

We walk for family members and people who never meet in person. My first walk in that case was in the middle of a beautiful afternoon in the Sunken Gardens historic parka.Sunce is shining and a cool breeze from the Pacific Ocean is the ideal atmosphere. Along the way are "frozen", which reminded us that we are not just out for a good time, but on a mission to the goal. At one point walkers were asked to sign a pledge card to do something really practical to be proactive in the fight against cancer. I signed a pledge card to get a mammogram, then a pledge card attached to the vertical pole that has become crowded with many promises. Now I am obligated to follow through this medical examination.

always on my walk has become sober, instead of talking lightly about the day I think about the reality of breast cancer and how my cousin had found a lump in my chest so unexpectedly after years of no problems. Today is a breast cancer survivor. I would avoid mamografije.Zadnji hurt and I made ​​a big excuse about how I really do not need one. But an apology is often the fear instead of faith. I was hit in the face with the reality of my life. I would get my mammogram and be able to testify to other women about the importance of facing fear and doing as soon as possible.

After the afternoon walk, I took a break and take the risk to return to walk the walk noći.Noć presented a totally different atmosphere from the footpath lit the lamp. These little white bags lit from inside with a tiny candle has created some of the walkers earlier in the evening and had names, pictures, songs and prayers of loved ones who lost their battle with cancer. Walking into the night with only the lights on the road brought a new sense of the enemy cancer. Now our walking woke up strong memories of the brave fighting loved ones gone prije.Stvarnost fear, death, courage, hope and survival is the wind that blew through our nostrils. It was a bittersweet smell of defeat and victory in the mixed one.

As I went early in the morning 0:30 to 03:00, I thought, do not walk in this big circle really mean anything? Does it really help you reach your goal? Then I thought about the story of Jericho Jericho shooting takes place in Joshua 06:01.

"Now Jericho was tightly shut because the people of Israel. No one went out and no one came in." Joshua 06:01, NIV)

Jericho was promised that the land of Israel from the Lord. As the Israelites approached Jericho to say, the army and the citizens of Jericho came down the doors of power to the people of Israel. Certainly hope victory seemed in vain. What would a bunch of Israelis who were in the wilderness for years to do to get through the barrier well-fortified city? The best had to fight the battle with the priests was their, the Lord and his faith.

As I walked around in circles in the Relay for Life, the inner part of the area that surrounds became an illustration of Jericho. Inside is a response to the problem of cancer. It has been determined and uncompromising in providing response and lijek.Najbolji we all like to have our feet, the organizers and our prayers to the Lord.

of Israel were instructed to walk around Jericho with the Ark of the Lord are priests and armed guards ispred.Ljudi said that March was quiet until the right time to move to capture the country. "Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I will tell you to shout. And Shout!" (Joshua 06:10, NIV ).

walked in circles around the city of Jericho, then returned to their camp, in six days, waiting for the right time to get instructions on how to raise their voices in the battle cry to get the victory.

Relay for Life meant walking, walking for hours, days, walking, walking for years, walking together with others from around the nation and the world against the common enemy, walking together in unity of prayer while the joy in the faith that a cure for cancer there.

as the great enemy fortified against the people's hopes, the cancer is in the middle of the battle, trying to remain an elusive enemy. But the Lord let this turn into a new vision, to make progress without a battle cry, marching without raising the voice, the marching, without saying a word, the battle is fought and the victory will come


suddenly very clear why we were walking on our way during the day and night. It was unclear why the time provided for prayer and faithfulness to grow. It was clear that the battle is not ours but the Lord. Nothing, not even cancer has a stronghold that the Lord will not win. It is only by remaining faithful to the part of what we can do, though it seems small, it will be ready to see the victory, when the time comes.

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Does Dieting and Exercise Help Cancer Survivors? Lets Look Into It!

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

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cancer survivors may reduce their risk for functional pad.Novo report reveals a home-based exercise and diet program helped older survivors of colorectal, breast and prostate cancer stay healthy. Instead of patients said that the "rest" as in the past, doctors have encouraged people to get moving as soon as you feel able.

review of more than 60 studies for the charity found that people undergoing treatment for cancer - and survived -. Could benefit from exercise

Exercise is a "wonder drug" for cancer survivors and may even prevent the disease returning, according to a new report.

Body Concepts Cancer Support said physical activity should be "prescribed" by doctors after a "hard evidence" showed that it may significantly aid in recovery and help prevent other chronic illness.

Various studies, mainly on women with early stage breast cancer, suggesting that physical activity can improve quality of life of cancer survivors, reduce the impact of treatment side effects and help in their overall recovery. However, more data are needed. While exercise, even just by living an active life, universally considered to be important for cancer survivors, researchers trying to understand the degree of its rehabilitative value and how best to manage and monitor it.

exercise sessions and progress monitored by medical staff and take 90 minutes each. They touch upon the main physical components - flexibility, strength and aerobics - and about 30 minutes of group discussions, sometimes focused on questions like "How to balance your life feel now?" Participants also learn about nutrition and other mind-body activities like yoga and pilates.

There were 27 people involved in the initial round of klase.Sudionici ranging from people who have undergone recent treatment of those who have been without symptoms for years.

The results of two studies on colon cancer also showed the risk of death or illness returns decrease by about 50% in patients who are taking six hours per week of moderate-intensity exercise, with about 30% lower risk of death among prostate cancer patients and 57% lower rate of disease progression, if three hours of moderate exercise a week.

According to the study, older cancer survivors represent an important target because cancer and treatments associated with accelerated rates of functional decline. They say that many older cancer survivors report poor lifestyle and behavior.

Ways regular exercise can help in the treatment of cancer

• maintain or improve their physical abilities

• better balance, reduced risk of falls and broken bones

• Keep your muscles from wasting due to inactivity

• reduce the risk of coronary heart disease

• reduce the risk of osteoporosis (weak bones that are more likely to break)

• To improve the flow of blood in the legs and lower the risk of blood clots

• Make you less dependent on others to do the normal activities of daily living

• Improve your confidence

• reduce the risk of anxiety and depression

• reduce nausea [​​[/ P>

• improve your ability to maintain social contacts

• fewer symptoms of fatigue (fatigue)

• Help you control your weight

• improve your quality of life

I am happy to see this become common knowledge in the 21st century, and I applaud the doctors for it stands out, because we still do not know much about how exercise and physical activity affect the recovery from cancer, or their influence on the immune system. We know that with regular moderate exercise is linked to show good results and feedback among the victims of cancer! Thank you.

More aboutDoes Dieting and Exercise Help Cancer Survivors? Lets Look Into It!

Cancer Prevention - The Benefits of Vitamin E and Selenium

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Vitamin E is a popular seller in the vitamin aisle, but do not forget where you come from originally. Vitamin E is naturally present in vegetable oils. His specialty is membrane.Delikatna protects cell membranes covering each of your cells are vulnerable to attacks by free radicals, leaving you wide open to damage DNA. Vitamin E can stop the chain reaction in its tracks.

Vitamin E also supports your immune system, protects against heart disease and may even protect against cataracts. Where to find this powerful vitamin? This is in green vegetables, orange fruits and blueberries. You'll get more from whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Keep in mind that the natural form of vitamin E, present in all of these foods, is a potent, more available, and last longer in the body compared with synthetic vitamin E in supplements.


fourth member of this team is an antioxidant mineral selenium. It is a silvery-colored mineral that is named for Selene, the ancient Greek goddess of the moon. It works together with vitamin E to protect cells against damage from free radicals and other carcinogens.

study done at Harvard and Cornell Universities in China have shown that selenium levels are 30 to 40 percent lower in cancer patients than in healthy people. Low levels of selenium are associated with cancer of the digestive system and prostate.Iznenađujući number of foods to provide this powerful antioxidant.

Take a garlic primjer.Klinčić here and there adds up. When you learn to taste with garlic recipes, you'll wonder why you ever used so much salt. During the day, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides some selenium, and you'll get an even larger amounts of whole grains (barley, brown rice and oatmeal), legumes, seeds, nuts in. Mushrooms are a good source, tofu, and brazil nuts are excellent sources

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Natural Cancer Cures - Diet Has a Massive Part to Play

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

There are many pills, potions and diet claims to natural cancer cures. How reliable are they? Usually, even ardent advocates of natural approaches do not agree with the total abandonment of orthodox treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy in favor of alternative cancer treatments. Regardless of the approach or the approach you choose should take caution and a lot of knowledge gained about the therapy. Each therapy can have side effects, even if, of course, based on some natural remedies can adversely affect or inhibit the function of orthodox doctors, so be aware of these potential conflicts. Definitely consult a specialist regardless of the alternative cancer treatment you choose, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you use some other form of therapy already.

, however, disappointed many sufferers strongly argue that conventional medicine has only were more ill and was not cured of their disease. Many people have had experiences that cancer is diagnosed, where he believes the best approach to chemotherapy and / or operations and / or radiotherapy. That, however, May or May not work, but it will certainly give the side effects, sometimes debilitating and cause further disease. Alarmingly, the U.S., the side effects of these pharmaceuticals are the fifth largest cause of death.

It's no wonder that people are looking for more natural methods of cancer treatment for their illness and course of these drugs work for many people. Thousands of people have been cured through diet and indeed the Western diet is seen by many medical experts are dangerous to health. A shocking one in three Americans die of cancer that has grown in recent years - it was one of the four. For women, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. Many women seek alternative treatments for breast cancer, rather than going through courses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy and / or surgery. Some combine both conventional and alternative treatments.

It is obvious that what we put into our body will affect our health. In 1979 he published a report, compiled from more than 2,000 studies and use the advice of physicians, biochemists and nutritionists. He concluded that regular American diet is dangerous. Than 2.1 million Americans who died in 1979, 1.5 million died from eating related diseases, and thus the study was strongly emphasized that a good diet is essential to optimal health. They were encouraged by the reduction of saturated fats like red meat, butter and eggs.

University researchers studied a group of 200 cancer sufferers who where experienced spontaneous remission, and found that 87% had changed their diet to a vegetarian.

Although it is increasing at an alarming rate, the cancer can be prevented. Consumption unnatural, denatured foods such as refined white sugar, flour and white rice, along with chemicals such as preservatives and additives such as MSG, all this bad food. Alcohol, coffee, tobacco, and carbonated beverages, and dairy products and meat is considered harmful to the health of many physicians who believe that diet is key to preventing cancer. Complete Good food builds a strong immune system and good blood where as denatured, manufactured foods deplete the body's immune system and create acidity in the body where the disease progresses.

For some types of cancer, toxins are the cause of a single case of mesothelioma cancer caused by asbestos exposure. There are two different types namely peritoneal mesothelioma and malignant mesothelioma. It is known that patients with this rare form of cancer depleted immune system, and although there is no known cure, care for general health and immune system could significantly extend the life of the patient for several years.

Thus, it appears that there are many natural cures cancer as possible, especially food, but it is up to the patient to decide whether just to use them, or in combination with conventional medical treatments.

More aboutNatural Cancer Cures - Diet Has a Massive Part to Play